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Tours & Shows

Upcoming Events

Exclusive Hazelnut Growers Meeting

February 1 | 10:45AM

When: February 1 at 10:45am

Join our exclusive meeting for aspiring hazelnut growers

EVENT FEATURESHands-On Experience
Witness a high-density planting demonstration to see the ease and efficiency of hazelnut farming.

Expert Insights
Engage in an extensive Q&A session with hazelnut cultivation specialists.

Networking Opportunity
Connect with fellow farmers, agricultural consultants, and early adopters.

Complimentary Lunch
Enjoy a meal as you learn about your next agricultural venture.

Special Offer for Attendees
Sign up for trees at the event and get access to our highest discount rates!

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Fill out my online form.

6th Annual Hazelnut Orchard Tour

Dates coming soon!

Visit hazelnut farms to see plantings up close and personal. Plus learn about packaging and sales potential.